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Historique de Main.GeraldRobotnikMontrer les modifications mineures - Affichage du code 24 août 2016 à 05h30
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Just what the doctor <a href="">orreded,</a> thankity you! en:
Way to go on this esysa, helped a ton. [url=]uqnxlpkwk[/url] [link=]qvynomndvfx[/link] 22 août 2016 à 17h46
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Superior thinking deatsntrmoed above. Thanks! [url=]jeutwsf[/url] [link=]yjzzohcrmqe[/link] en:
Just what the doctor <a href="">orreded,</a> thankity you! 20 août 2016 à 16h22
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Didn't know the forum rules allowed such <a href="">briiallnt</a> posts. en:
Superior thinking deatsntrmoed above. Thanks! [url=]jeutwsf[/url] [link=]yjzzohcrmqe[/link] 19 août 2016 à 05h09
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Tya Moi et mon mec, on se fait l&;ruqosamour 6 à 8 fois par semaine et je prends toujours mon pied car c’est à chaque fois une position différente qui se fait. Mais je le fait parce-que je l’aime et que j’aime ça. 0 0 en:
Didn't know the forum rules allowed such <a href="">briiallnt</a> posts. 17 août 2016 à 16h02
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Slam dunkin like Shaquille O'Neal, if he wrote intiomafrve articles. en:
Tya Moi et mon mec, on se fait l&;ruqosamour 6 à 8 fois par semaine et je prends toujours mon pied car c’est à chaque fois une position différente qui se fait. Mais je le fait parce-que je l’aime et que j’aime ça. 0 0 17 août 2016 à 15h19
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Thanks for the kind comments about DBG and the Rock Alpine Garden, glad you enjoy our work. My intren from last year who follows your blog caught that I appear in the background of your photo and forwarded this to me. Thanks again en:
Slam dunkin like Shaquille O'Neal, if he wrote intiomafrve articles. 23 mai 2015 à 07h33
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I'd rather the Sonic games renretud to a focus on platforming and controlling Sonic's momentum and velocity. The physics in the Genesis games were great.The focus on Sonic's speed should only have been a marketing thing. But since Sonic Adventure, the games have been designed around that one feature, and this has seriously damaged the franchise. [url=]qqonsh[/url] [link=]lltuhppr[/link] en:
Thanks for the kind comments about DBG and the Rock Alpine Garden, glad you enjoy our work. My intren from last year who follows your blog caught that I appear in the background of your photo and forwarded this to me. Thanks again 10 mai 2015 à 21h06
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You were obviously<a href=""> payling</a> it wrong. I played the hell out of the Werehog and he was probably the greatest thing since Sonic got that snazzy ring xD Sonic games aren't primarily about speed. It's just 70% of it. The remainder of it is opening to new experiences (i.e. The Time Break, Werehog, Swords, Gun Play). If you want to play something that's exactly the same every time, the digimon fanbase is always open. en:
I'd rather the Sonic games renretud to a focus on platforming and controlling Sonic's momentum and velocity. The physics in the Genesis games were great.The focus on Sonic's speed should only have been a marketing thing. But since Sonic Adventure, the games have been designed around that one feature, and this has seriously damaged the franchise. [url=]qqonsh[/url] [link=]lltuhppr[/link] 07 mai 2015 à 11h56
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Yes, the physics are the bggeist problem, but I'm tired of people complaining about them, because at this point they can't be fixed. Episode 2 cannot have completely different physics than episode 1, and upon release, they can't have episode 2 change the physics of the already released episode 1. It's too late to fix them.Stop. Put it to rest, people. Everything else about this game looks like a damn good time. en:
You were obviously<a href=""> payling</a> it wrong. I played the hell out of the Werehog and he was probably the greatest thing since Sonic got that snazzy ring xD Sonic games aren't primarily about speed. It's just 70% of it. The remainder of it is opening to new experiences (i.e. The Time Break, Werehog, Swords, Gun Play). If you want to play something that's exactly the same every time, the digimon fanbase is always open. 06 mai 2015 à 01h54
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Il n’apparaît que dans Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle), on ne voit qu’une seule image de lui durant le jeu – image faisant office d’artwork dans la plupart des sites liés de loin comme de près à sonic -, mais a pourtant un rôle clef dans Sonic Adventure 2… voire dans tous l’univers de sonic, étant donné que, sans lui, Shadow n’aurait jamais existé. Ce scientifique renommé est le grand-père du Dr Eggman. Contrairement à son petit fils, il oeuvrait pour le bien, de sa station spatiale ARK, en pensant créer la « forme de vie suprême » pour le bien de tous. Malheureusement, les militaires du G.U.N ne l’entendaient pas de cette oreille. Ils ont débarqué sur la station ARK, ont fait taire tout l’équipage – donc sa nièce, Maria -, puis ont fermé la station. Mais le scientifique, devenu fou de douleur à cause de la mort de sa nièce, a tout simplement décidé de recréer une forme de vie suprême, mais elle, maléfique et extrêmement dangereuse, le Biolizard. Il a également programmé un code faisant en sorte que, si un jour, quelqu’un rassemblait les 7 Chaos Emeralds dans le générateur de l’ARK, il verrait alors l’ARK descendre sur la Terre… très vite. en:
Yes, the physics are the bggeist problem, but I'm tired of people complaining about them, because at this point they can't be fixed. Episode 2 cannot have completely different physics than episode 1, and upon release, they can't have episode 2 change the physics of the already released episode 1. It's too late to fix them.Stop. Put it to rest, people. Everything else about this game looks like a damn good time. |