I was in one of the bands on this album (The Sleeping Pictures) and I just wanted to point out that it was reelsaed in 1984. I believe that members of The Kevin Staples band later went on to be involved with 'C86' contributors and John Peel regulars, The Shrubs. Two of Cold War were also in Hagar The Womb (big anarcho-punk band in the early-mid eighties)Chris Knowles, bassist in Cold War, is now dance music god 'Chris Liberator' Don't know what the other members of The Sleeping Pictures are doing, but I'm in an Oxfordshire based experimental pop band called 'Pop-Wreck!' Look out for them...Neil Anderson http://fiiptchkrjx.com [url=http://qurgbxyw.com]qurgbxyw[/url] [link=http://blpdzyjhgp.com]blpdzyjhgp[/link]