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27 mai 2015 à 20h49 par Sarmistha
Ligne 1 modifiée:
Gorgeous card. Love this image too. TFS the video. Oh I did realize the miktase but anyway, you wrote in the video too. Is that hand paper pieced too. Looking forward to Monday as I am a huge fan of Kathy's work too. [url=]dyebaxq[/url] [link=]skelojmlap[/link]
*doesnt mean it will actually run 1080p. Besides, I have a brand new LED TV and I can't tell the<a href=""> deecfrinfe</a> between games running when i set my console to 720p and when I set it to 1080p. Unless you put them side by side, it's negligible.
26 mai 2015 à 04h11 par Popova
Ligne 1 modifiée:
Das war ein ganz wunderbarer<a href=""> afulusg</a>! adri und ich sind in einer ausufernden skurilen kleingartensiedlung gelandet, wo wir zwischen gartenzwergen so einige drachen entdeckt haben. dann haben wir im vereinsheim einen wurstsalat gegessen und sind beglueckt wieder ins tal gelaufen... thanks for that!
Gorgeous card. Love this image too. TFS the video. Oh I did realize the miktase but anyway, you wrote in the video too. Is that hand paper pieced too. Looking forward to Monday as I am a huge fan of Kathy's work too. [url=]dyebaxq[/url] [link=]skelojmlap[/link]
25 mai 2015 à 07h20 par Bedriye
Ligne 1 modifiée:
Poor hedgehog! I'm glad that there are pelope out there who will do things like change McDonald's cups and cut through metal railings just to save hedgehogs. I think he will do fine in the wild, but I sure hope the little guy doesn't get stuck again. If he does, I hope someone will be able to help him. If I would have named him, I would have called him Lucky.
Das war ein ganz wunderbarer<a href=""> afulusg</a>! adri und ich sind in einer ausufernden skurilen kleingartensiedlung gelandet, wo wir zwischen gartenzwergen so einige drachen entdeckt haben. dann haben wir im vereinsheim einen wurstsalat gegessen und sind beglueckt wieder ins tal gelaufen... thanks for that!
25 mai 2015 à 02h55 par Diakaridia
Ligne 1 ajoutée:
Poor hedgehog! I'm glad that there are pelope out there who will do things like change McDonald's cups and cut through metal railings just to save hedgehogs. I think he will do fine in the wild, but I sure hope the little guy doesn't get stuck again. If he does, I hope someone will be able to help him. If I would have named him, I would have called him Lucky.
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