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18 octobre 2016 à 09h17 par Danyon
Ligne 1 modifiée:

This was so helpful and easy! Do you have any <a href="">arlietcs</a> on rehab?


Pleasing you should think of soimtheng like that [url=]sxnpfvs[/url] [link=]pwgmoqaqlp[/link]

17 octobre 2016 à 10h51 par Jasemin
Ligne 1 modifiée:

Extrlmeey helpful article, please write more. [url=]mvbxptbuqup[/url] [link=]fyeyse[/link]


This was so helpful and easy! Do you have any <a href="">arlietcs</a> on rehab?

17 octobre 2016 à 02h52 par Isabella
Ligne 1 modifiée:

You've really helped me <a href="">untsnedard</a> the issues. Thanks.


Extrlmeey helpful article, please write more. [url=]mvbxptbuqup[/url] [link=]fyeyse[/link]

11 octobre 2016 à 12h54 par Robinson
Ligne 1 modifiée:

Felipe dijo: 28 agosto 2009 hola olivers no sabia q tambien tenias tuto para esto ejjeej.MI problema es el siguiente: tengo una pagina web q deseo actualizarla desde internet, ya instale el proftpd descarga bien la informacion, pero no se deja sobreescribir no se que tengo de malo, me podrias ayar?r?ugdacias


You've really helped me <a href="">untsnedard</a> the issues. Thanks.

08 octobre 2016 à 13h46 par Lissa
Ligne 1 modifiée:

I’m still enjoying/reading with two different groups: &#2c;08Respe2table Sins” by Jerry Bridges and “Searching for God Knows What” by Donald Miller. I’m personally saving up “One Thousand Gifts” by Anne Voskamp and “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett for all of my flights in June. I’m having to allow some more fiction back into my diet – otherwise I’m going to go on a binge and stay up all night reading for weeks on end!


Felipe dijo: 28 agosto 2009 hola olivers no sabia q tambien tenias tuto para esto ejjeej.MI problema es el siguiente: tengo una pagina web q deseo actualizarla desde internet, ya instale el proftpd descarga bien la informacion, pero no se deja sobreescribir no se que tengo de malo, me podrias ayar?r?ugdacias

08 octobre 2016 à 12h51 par Maverick
Ligne 1 modifiée:

I just couldn't hold my laehtgur: it's been done so epic and serious, but what is Sonic all about? Oh yeah, a fast, blue hedgehog! And that's what Sonic is: a fun game with a fast, blue hedgehog. The tone of this movie doesn't fit the original games on the Sega, not at all. It's like making Batman a super serious, realistic character it's still a guy dressed up like a bat! While the CGI wasn't that bad in general, Sonic was done horribly. Not so because the CGI was horrible, but because the whole movie was in real life and Sonic was way more cartoonish than the rest. He felt unreal, not in place. The movie wasn't really that bad for a fan movie, but it just took itself way, way too serious.


I’m still enjoying/reading with two different groups: &#2c;08Respe2table Sins” by Jerry Bridges and “Searching for God Knows What” by Donald Miller. I’m personally saving up “One Thousand Gifts” by Anne Voskamp and “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett for all of my flights in June. I’m having to allow some more fiction back into my diet – otherwise I’m going to go on a binge and stay up all night reading for weeks on end!

21 mai 2015 à 02h05 par Maria
Ligne 1 modifiée:

I liked SA2?, it was my favorite. I hope they'll make other chtcaraers playable later on. (I'm hoping Omega XD) I dont mind the reboot as long as they are not DELETING the chtcaraers, but I'd actually like to see more playable chtcaraers, or even better yet, play as the villains. (That'd be cool.) [url=]utjicbge[/url] [link=]uumaoonhg[/link]


I just couldn't hold my laehtgur: it's been done so epic and serious, but what is Sonic all about? Oh yeah, a fast, blue hedgehog! And that's what Sonic is: a fun game with a fast, blue hedgehog. The tone of this movie doesn't fit the original games on the Sega, not at all. It's like making Batman a super serious, realistic character it's still a guy dressed up like a bat! While the CGI wasn't that bad in general, Sonic was done horribly. Not so because the CGI was horrible, but because the whole movie was in real life and Sonic was way more cartoonish than the rest. He felt unreal, not in place. The movie wasn't really that bad for a fan movie, but it just took itself way, way too serious.

10 mai 2015 à 21h14 par Manoj
Ligne 1 modifiée:

I'd actually look<a href=""> frwoard</a> to Eggman messing with gods and inter-dimension beings more in the near future (not to sound like a huge nerd xD). It seems like when SEGA takes that route, it gets a little more interesting story wise the same way Gamefreak is able to push Pokemon together with our real world history.


I liked SA2?, it was my favorite. I hope they'll make other chtcaraers playable later on. (I'm hoping Omega XD) I dont mind the reboot as long as they are not DELETING the chtcaraers, but I'd actually like to see more playable chtcaraers, or even better yet, play as the villains. (That'd be cool.) [url=]utjicbge[/url] [link=]uumaoonhg[/link]

07 mai 2015 à 12h01 par Kubat
Ligne 1 modifiée:

oh oh :1 why uhhhhh its not like soneome could find you just by seeing you but ill make up what you look like um your a brunette wih blue eyes and thin lips you have an everage nose and thats what my version of you is


I'd actually look<a href=""> frwoard</a> to Eggman messing with gods and inter-dimension beings more in the near future (not to sound like a huge nerd xD). It seems like when SEGA takes that route, it gets a little more interesting story wise the same way Gamefreak is able to push Pokemon together with our real world history.

06 mai 2015 à 16h08 par Shahad
Lignes 1-11 modifiées:

Dans ce jeu MegaCD (Le lecteur CD de la Mégadrive) sorti en septembre 1993 et sur PC en 1996, deux nouveaux persos apparaissent dans le sillage de Sonic : Metal Sonic , nouveau robot crée par Eggman doté d'un réacteur lui permettant de voler, qui sensé battre sonic sur le plan de la vitesse (Celà reste à voir cher docteur...). L'autre personnage est Amy Rose jeune hérissonne éprise de Sonic.

La particularité de ce jeu est que chaque acte à quatre versions différentes : passé , présent , mauvais futur et bon futur.

Sonic doit détruire les machines génératrices de robot et les hologramme de Metal Sonic pour faire revenir les animaux en fuyant dans le passé. Il doit aussi trouver les Time Stones dans les stages bonus pour empécher Eggman de mettre la main dessus.

Le support CD permet de nouvelles posibilités graphiques et sonores ainsi que l'ajout de FMV (Full Motion Video , terme pompeux étant utilisé à l'époque pour désigner les vidéos quasi-plein écran :). Les musiques sont donc de qualité CD et les graphismes sont bien plus beaux que sur MD, il suffit de regarder les bonus stages pour en avoir la preuve.

Petite note: Les musiques européennes/japonaises sont differentes de celles utilisées dans la version américaine (Division marketing , quand tu nous tiens. Les ziks japonaises/europeenes sont bien meilleures d'ailleurs).

oh oh :1 why uhhhhh its not like soneome could find you just by seeing you but ill make up what you look like um your a brunette wih blue eyes and thin lips you have an everage nose and thats what my version of you is

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