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# limit all searches to Main group$SearchPatterns
['default'][] = '/^Main\\./'; # exclude RecentChanges pages from search results$SearchPatterns
['default'][] = '!\\.(All)?RecentChanges$/';
element in the output. Can contain references to $TableRowCount to give the absolute row number within the table, or $TableRowIndex to provide a repeating row index from 1 to $TableRowIndexMax.
# Give each row a unique CSS class based on row number (tr1, tr2, tr3, ... ) $TableRowAttrFmt = "class='tr\$TableRowCount'"; # Give each row alternating CSS classes (ti1, ti2, ti1, ti2, ti1, ... ) $TableRowIndexMax = 2; $TableRowAttrFmt = "class='ti\$TableRowIndex'";
# Set rows indexes as 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, ... $TableRowIndexMax = 3;
or <th>
cell in the output. Can contain references to $TableCellCount which holds the horizontal column number of the current cell.