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PmWiki: WikiStyles

WikiStyles allow an author to modify the color and other attributes of text that follow. A style specification such as %red% will cause the following text to be displayed as red until the end of the line or the next pair %% of percent signs. For example:

   %red% This text is red and %blue% this text is blue %% but 
   this text is normal.


This text is red and this text is blue but this text is normal.

The set of predefined wiki styles? is customizable by the WikiAdministrator. Most PmWiki systems define %newwin% to cause links to open in a new window (example), and standard text colors such as %black%, %white%, %red%, %green%, %blue%, etc.

Creating new styles

Placing color, bgcolor, or target specifications inside of a pair of percent signs will change the style of the following text to use those colors up to the end of a line or until the next pair of percent-signs. For example:

    %color=red% This text is red and %color=blue% this text 
    is blue %% but this text is normal. 

renders as

This text is red and this text is blue but this text is normal.

One can also change the background color using the bgcolor attribute:

    %color=black bgcolor=green% This text is black on green %color=green bgcolor=black% and
    this is green on black.%% 

This text is black on green and this is green on black.

One can specify that links should open in a new window via the target attribute:

    %target=_blank% Any links on this line like 
    will open in a new window. 

which gives

Any links on this line like will open in a new window.

Finally, WikiStyles can control the width and height of ImagesInWikiPages, thus the markup


will display some.gif scaled to a height of 50 pixels.

Style definitions

Wiki authors can also make their own WikiStyle definitions within a document using the define attribute. For example, the statement

    %define=hotpink color=#ff69b4%

will cause the markup %hotpink% to be a shortcut for %color=#ff69b4% (like this). One can specify multiple items in a definition, as in

    %define=reverse color=white bgcolor=black%

which allows %reverse% to cause reverse video, and %reverse hotpink% to be the combination of both shortcuts.

It's often a good idea to put common style definitions into GroupHeaders so that they can be shared among multiple pages in a group. Or, the WikiAdministrator can predefine styles as a LocalCustomization -- see WikiStylesAdmin?.

Predefined styles

See predefined wiki styles? for a description of the WikiStyles that are defined in a standard installation of PmWiki. That page also describes how an administrator can predefine additional WikiStyles.


For some examples of colors, see WikiStyleColors?

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Page mise à jour le 10 décembre 2004 à 22h35