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Although I believe it very posbisle to practice in several areas of law and stay reasonably proficient, I tend to believe most cannot practice effectively, money-wise or competently, in a broad array of unrelated areas. When my father in law started practicing in Texas in the late 50s there were two code books. One was called Civil Law and one was called Criminal Law. Today, the volumes would file a pretty good size room.As far a being a generalist, I think it is posbisle. However, I tend to think it works better when you are associated with a larger firm wherein you have lawyers with more specific interest and you are the rainmaker or sorts.All of this said, I speak to people every day with a broad array of legal issues. I enjoy reviewing the issues with them generally. But, my task is more often than not to give them some direction to avoid the legal issue or to refer them with direction to someone who practices in that area.For me the issue is not whether I would enjoy other practice areas. I know that I would. It is a matter of marketing and being able to cost effectively understand and handle cases. The nature of these things leads me to spend my time in one small area. If I am perceived as more of an expert in an area, it just naturally leads to more referrals. What I have found is that in this day and age most people do not go out looking for just an attorney. They are looking to solve a problem. Hence, if you are associated with solving a problem or with a solution, the easier it is to make a living doing the work and in getting referrals cost effectively. [url=]xtjtdgc[/url] [link=]eeqynmautfx[/link]

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Page mise à jour le 26 mai 2015 à 19h34