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21 mai 2015 à 23h43 par Alok
Ligne 1 modifiée:

PUMPKIN? PUMPKIN? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? PUMPKIN? WHAT?I love this guy's enthusiasm and emioton! A very entertaining review, and behind that I think he makes good points. I've now watched some of his other stuff. Thanks for posting this here AAUK! [url=]qhrzhrkhyaa[/url] [link=]avhwjq[/link]


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10 mai 2015 à 20h57 par Adlin
Ligne 1 modifiée:

This guy is like SO AWESOME!!!! The best reviewer I have ever seen! He makes<a href=""> eeecllxnt</a> (and most of all true) points, and adds SO much energy, rage, (emotion for short) into expressing them. He shows exactly how he feels about a certain fact. That doesn't make it just H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S., it's also much closer to me and easier to understand what he means by saying something (unlike those who think really big of themselves -.- I have nothing against, you know, serious reviews, but in all their smart-itude , I barely understand anything those guys are tryin' to say ).


PUMPKIN? PUMPKIN? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? PUMPKIN? WHAT?I love this guy's enthusiasm and emioton! A very entertaining review, and behind that I think he makes good points. I've now watched some of his other stuff. Thanks for posting this here AAUK! [url=]qhrzhrkhyaa[/url] [link=]avhwjq[/link]

07 mai 2015 à 11h51 par Ibli
Ligne 1 modifiée:

I have 1200 unused MS potnis. I already got these games from XBLA. I don't know what to do with my potnis. Are there any reccomendations(not opinions)? Maybe I should just wait for S4EP2? lol.


This guy is like SO AWESOME!!!! The best reviewer I have ever seen! He makes<a href=""> eeecllxnt</a> (and most of all true) points, and adds SO much energy, rage, (emotion for short) into expressing them. He shows exactly how he feels about a certain fact. That doesn't make it just H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S., it's also much closer to me and easier to understand what he means by saying something (unlike those who think really big of themselves -.- I have nothing against, you know, serious reviews, but in all their smart-itude , I barely understand anything those guys are tryin' to say ).

05 mai 2015 à 11h51 par Mymelody
Lignes 1-4 modifiées:

Extension CD de la Megadrive.

La MegaCD 1 se présentait comme un bloc imposant se logant sous la console
La MegaCD 2 avait le look de la Megadrive et se casait à côté


I have 1200 unused MS potnis. I already got these games from XBLA. I don't know what to do with my potnis. Are there any reccomendations(not opinions)? Maybe I should just wait for S4EP2? lol.

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