








Game Boy Advance


Dessins animés

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25 mai 2015 à 06h38 par Rafa
Ligne 1 modifiée:

So the 2D/3D meshed lleevs will still be used? YES! I LOVE YOU SEGA! I was worried that they might ditch a formula that works beautifully for Modern Sonic games, albeit with a bit tweaking. Keeping strictly 2D sonic games in the loop too is great for anyone. As long as they keep the basic formulas, they can add as many variables as they want! [url=]hsqqfy[/url] [link=]ogrwxjpr[/link]


Oh I like Feb better today,the lihgnitg and water colour B/G makes a big differnce.Love September,great job with the recreation of your painting.I think the rain works but I like it without too.The little hedgehog is adorable ..I need to get over there and see these for myself,although one may fall into my bag,completely by accident of course!!

10 mai 2015 à 21h04 par Vera
Ligne 1 modifiée:

As long as the game plays well, I don't mind that it's not identical to Sonic 1-3. Also, they've wkroed on what I think was one of the biggest problems with the Advance series (aside from level design), which is Sonic's walking speed and animations. Now instead of having a lame strolling animation, he looks like he's hustling to get to max speed ASAP (a la the original Sonic games).This is the first game that Dimps has developed that I feel confident in. The level layout resembles the old Genesis stages I loved so much. I can't wait to play through the game, then go back and compete for the best times on the leaderboards.


So the 2D/3D meshed lleevs will still be used? YES! I LOVE YOU SEGA! I was worried that they might ditch a formula that works beautifully for Modern Sonic games, albeit with a bit tweaking. Keeping strictly 2D sonic games in the loop too is great for anyone. As long as they keep the basic formulas, they can add as many variables as they want! [url=]hsqqfy[/url] [link=]ogrwxjpr[/link]

05 mai 2015 à 21h34 par Deekshi
Ligne 1 ajoutée:

As long as the game plays well, I don't mind that it's not identical to Sonic 1-3. Also, they've wkroed on what I think was one of the biggest problems with the Advance series (aside from level design), which is Sonic's walking speed and animations. Now instead of having a lame strolling animation, he looks like he's hustling to get to max speed ASAP (a la the original Sonic games).This is the first game that Dimps has developed that I feel confident in. The level layout resembles the old Genesis stages I loved so much. I can't wait to play through the game, then go back and compete for the best times on the leaderboards.

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