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25 mai 2015 à 09h02 par Sandeep
Ligne 1 modifiée:

Well it's actually very good for a fan film and has a LOT of eforft. If you can't see the hard work put into it then you are blind of what eforft it takes to make a film.That's not to say that the film is all that great. But it doesn't mean they lacked eforft. There was plenty of that. Do you see how well the imagery looks? How well the audio is? The shots are beautiful. The camera work and lighting is great.What was lacking is the story and acting. The animation was lacking a bit too, some places more than others, and that's where it gets the excuse. Due to it being a fan film. For a fan film, it was great but some things still coulda been better. For a feature film, it'd probably be great for the early 90 s… lolHowever their ability to make Sonic look like he was actually there (in some of the shots) was pretty good. He just looked weird. lol [url=]dapygvmc[/url] [link=]yrwisftjvm[/link]


Hey everyoneWhat do you think about the Sonic Producer Software? Is somenoe here using the Sonic Producer Software and can tell me if it's a good software for beginners. I'm looking for a simple and reasonable priced beat maker program and I will really appreciate if one of you will tell me about his own experience with the Sonic Producer Software.Any help?Thanks

14 mai 2015 à 16h25 par Ronal
Ligne 1 modifiée:

When Sonic went 3D, it was an interesting yet mixed exeicepnre. On one hand it was rewarding, on another it was a test of patience with the controls, dialog, and the playable characters. Just simply playing a game with Sonic alone was the classic design. Although I dig the fact that the dev team working on Sonic IV episode II want to continue that trend. Its going to be tough in revitalizing the series with just Sonic alone. That aside, it could be a fun adventure, just something that every fan will have to adjust towards. I do admit, I am humbled that they want to go back to just Sonic alone. Its adapting with nextgen gamers is a different story.


Well it's actually very good for a fan film and has a LOT of eforft. If you can't see the hard work put into it then you are blind of what eforft it takes to make a film.That's not to say that the film is all that great. But it doesn't mean they lacked eforft. There was plenty of that. Do you see how well the imagery looks? How well the audio is? The shots are beautiful. The camera work and lighting is great.What was lacking is the story and acting. The animation was lacking a bit too, some places more than others, and that's where it gets the excuse. Due to it being a fan film. For a fan film, it was great but some things still coulda been better. For a feature film, it'd probably be great for the early 90 s… lolHowever their ability to make Sonic look like he was actually there (in some of the shots) was pretty good. He just looked weird. lol [url=]dapygvmc[/url] [link=]yrwisftjvm[/link]

09 mai 2015 à 04h25 par Mike
Ligne 1 ajoutée:

When Sonic went 3D, it was an interesting yet mixed exeicepnre. On one hand it was rewarding, on another it was a test of patience with the controls, dialog, and the playable characters. Just simply playing a game with Sonic alone was the classic design. Although I dig the fact that the dev team working on Sonic IV episode II want to continue that trend. Its going to be tough in revitalizing the series with just Sonic alone. That aside, it could be a fun adventure, just something that every fan will have to adjust towards. I do admit, I am humbled that they want to go back to just Sonic alone. Its adapting with nextgen gamers is a different story.

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