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A key feature of WikiWikiWebs is the ease of creating links to other places in the text of the document. PmWiki provides multiple mechanisms for creating such links. Links to other pagesFirst, to create a link to another page, simply enclose the name of the page inside double brackets, as in PmWiki ignores all spaces between words when creating a link from the text inside the double brackets, and will automatically capitalize words following spaces and other punctuation (like ~). Thus In other words, when a page is created PmWiki will automatically create a WikiWord for its title, but links to the page will display as written. A suffix can also be added to the end of a link, which becomes part of the link text but not the target. Thus Finally, you can specify the link text via a vertical brace, thus Some sites also recognize WikiWord links, in which a WikiWord appearing in the text is automatically treated as a link to a page of the same name. Links to external sites (URLs)Links to external sites simply begin with a prefix such as 'http:', 'ftp:', etc. Thus InterMap links are also supported (see InterMap). Links to specific locations within a pageTo define a location within a page to which you may jump directly, use the markup
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