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Version 2.0.beta17 (12-Jan-2005)This release simply makes some minor bug fixes to wikistyles (colors set in wikistyles extend to anchor tags), arrays of default passwords, and advanced table handling. Version 2.0.beta16 (11-Jan-2005)Version 2.0.beta15 (10-Jan-2005)The major feature of this release is the addition of the graphical buttons in the edit page. By default this feature is disabled -- to enable it, use the following in config.php. javascript:insMarkup('\n!!! ','\n','Heading 3'); [Heading 3] Heading 3$EnableGUIButtons = 1; If your site customizes the $PageEditFmt variable, then note that the buttons are placed at the end of the $EditMessageFmt and that the <textarea> needs to have The rss.php script has also been improved -- it now automatically translates named character entities (from HTML 4) into their numeric equivalents. This eliminates a lot of feed validation errors and problems in specific RSS feed consumers. This release adds a $Titlespaced variable and Finally, a number of WikiStyles bugs have been fixed. Version 2.0.beta14 (28-Dec-2004)This release introduces a number of relatively minor optimizations and improvements, summarized below. If you don't understand what any of these mean, they probably don't affect you. :-)
Version 2.0.beta13 (22-Dec-2004)This release fixes a bug introduced in 2.0.beta7 that prevented the refcount.php (for ?action=refcount) from generating links correctly. It also cleans up the handling of wikistyles and %-in-urls (which is what 2.0.beta7 was supposed to fix). In general, all sites using the 2.0.betaXX series are recommended to upgrade to this latest release. Version 2.0.beta12 (21-Dec-2004)This release adds a number of <div> tags and identifiers around the various forms that PmWiki produces (e.g., uploads, search results, attribute pages, etc.). This makes such forms easier to style in CSS. In addition, this release adds some functionality to the urlapprove.php script to limit the number of unapproved urls that can be saved in a page (helps to combat wikispam). Finally the release adds the Version 2.0.beta11 (19-Dec-2004)This release primarily cleans up a number of items in the handling of uploads:
This release also changes the StopWatch() function (used internally for benchmarking/timing PmWiki performance) to only have an effect when $EnableStopWatch is set to 1 (wall clock timings only) or 2 (wall clock and user-process timings). Version 2.0.beta10 (14-Dec-2004)This release makes some substantial improvements in the installation procedure. First, the installation steps have been simplified, and PmWiki provides accurate instructions when it encounters a PHP "safe_mode" environment. The release also provides better handling of the '.flock' file -- if PmWiki discovers it cannot open an existing .flock file for writing, it removes the file and tries again rather than complaining about it. This makes the system more robust when page directories are going through backup+restore. Version 2.0.beta9 (14-Dec-2004)This release provides some very minor bugfixes to the Version 2.0.beta8 (13-Dec-2004)This release makes a number of reasonably significant changes. First and
foremost, it changes the Sites which wish to continue using the This release also fixes a probable bug in the handling of author names which was causing spaces to be incorrectly removed. 2.0.beta8 includes features for advanced CSS styling of simple tables via the $TableRowAttrFmt and $TableCellAttrFmt variables, more description will be forthcoming in a Cookbook recipe. Also, this release includes vastly improved support for UTF-8 sites,
including the ability to have UTF-8 characters in pagenames and
Finally, the Q: and A: markups are back, and a few other minor bug fixes and documentation improvements have been included. Version 2.0.beta7 (8-Dec-2004)This release has a number of improvements and changes to it. First, this release provides a scripts/xlpage-utf-8.php file, which adapts PmWiki to be able to work somewhat with utf-8 characters in pagenames. Since PHP's preg_* functions seem to be unable to detect UTF-8 alphanumeric characters, the trade-off at the moment is that WikiWord links are limited to the ASCII character set. We're working on ways to get around this restriction, however. The xlpage-utf-8.php script can be automatically loaded by any XLPage translation that specifies 'xlpage-i18n' => 'utf-8'. This release also:
Version 2.0.beta6 (5-Dec-2004)This release contains a number of relatively minor bugfixes (see the ChangeLog), and it also restores the The sample-config.php file has been updated with more comments and suggestions for customizations. Finally, this release increases the default value of Version 2.0.beta5 (1-Dec-2004)Version 2.0.beta4 (1-Dec-2004)These releases fix a number of bugs introduced by the changes in 2.0.beta3. Users of 2.0.beta3 are encouraged to upgrade directly to this release. Version 2.0.beta3 (30-Nov-2004)This release provides a simple version of the Internally, this release also changes the edit page sequence to use the $_POST autoglobal instead of $_REQUEST (i.e., posting edits is only allowed via method='post' and not via query string parameters). Version 2.0.beta2This release fixes the bug that caused $PageTemplateFmt to no longer work in pmwiki-2.0.beta1. Version 2.0.beta1This release marks PmWiki 2.0 as entering "beta" status, as it finally begins moving towards official release. The major change for this release is in the skins code -- previous versions of PmWiki used $PageTemplateFmt to specify the location of the template file to be used; newer versions now use the $Skin variable to specify the location of the skins directory (in pub/skins/) that contains the skin template file, php configuration script, and other files. In general, if you previously had $PageTemplateFmt set to "pub/skins/myskin/myskin.tmpl", then you now simply set $Skin='myskin'; to get things to work. See PmWiki.LayoutBasics for more details. Version 2.0.devel releasesThese are the release notes for the development releases of PmWiki 2.0. First, this is definitely still in the development stages, so many things are likely to change between now and the official releases. Second, at present there's not a good way to upgrade from PmWiki 1.0 to PmWiki 2.0, although upgrade support is expected to arrive in future (development) releases. So, you can use this version just to see the new developments and gain some experience, but migrating from 1.0 to this version is still likely to be a bit of a chore. Bugs and other requests can be reported to the PmWiki Issue Tracking System at Any help in testing, development, and/or documentation is greatly appreciated. |