MegaCD32XSaturnDreamcast/GCGame Boy AdvanceMultiplateformesDessins animés |
A script urlapprove.php for approval of Internet addresses (URL) is supplied with the standard distribution. To activate it, you have to add to the local/config.php file: include_once('scripts/urlapprove.php'); You will then approve URLs while adding them to a "white list" defined in the variable $WhiteUrlPatterns which is set in the local/config.php file. $WhiteUrlPatterns = " | |" This white list is also completed by loading the content of the Main.ApprovedUrls page. Following a non-approved link will be displayed a message "(Approve sites)". A click on this message will approve all sites of the page, if you have writing rights on the Main.ApprovedUrls page. If you want to change the name of this page write in local/config.php (after the script inclusion line): $ApprovedUrlPagesFmt = array('OtherGroup.OtherName'); Generally, it might be array('$DefaultGroup.ApprovedUrls'); You can limit the number of unapproved links per page. If the number is exceeded, the page cannot be posted. This is useful because spammers write long link lists. To activate this limit write in the local/config.php file the next line (value 5 is only for example): $UnapprovedLinkCountMax = 5; #by default 100000 You can also make PmWiki displaying a disapproval message defined in the $UnapprovedLinkFmt variable, by example: $UnapprovedLinkFmt = "<b>Address not displayed before approval</b> <a class='apprlink' href='\$PageUrl?action=approvesites'> $[(approve sites)]</a>"; This is not very useful for the person in charge of links approval, so use it only if really required, or if you wish to totally forbid link addition. In that case, the message can simply be: $UnapprovedLinkFmt = "<b>No link allowed</b>"; << RSS | Documentation Index | Available actions >> |